A community is a gathering of people with a shared interest, purpose, or cause. The backers of your project are already a community because they have a shared interest in your project or idea.
Community is the backbone of every campaign at Indiegogo:
Backers crave specific, community-oriented elements that only crowdfunding can give them. They want to feel included in a new project. They want exclusive access to a launch before others. They want their ideas and feedback taken seriously and potentially incorporated into a final design or product.
Community is why people are willing to take a risk on crowdfunding.
In fact, if you’re crowdfunding, you’re building a community, whether it's intentional or not.
The key to making your community work for you is all about taking control of how those conversations unfold. You want to make sure that backers feel connected with you and your product, so when they are spreading the word about your campaign, they can talk about how great you and your product are. When things go wrong or you fall behind your timeline, which often happens when creating something new, your backers will be more forgiving if you’ve taken their feedback seriously and kept them updated on your campaign status.