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5 Pointers for Managing Your Outreach Efforts

The planning for your crowdfunding campaign is underway. Great work! As you think about building your support base for your project, we know it can be daunting to think about all the people you need to contact, from your close friends to the media.

Trying to keep track of who to contact, what to say, and where to reach out to them, let alone the actual outreach can also be overwhelming!

Don’t worry. We’ve got your back.

Here are a few tips

Identify and speak to your target audience

In order to drive as much support as possible for your project, you want to find the people who will be most passionate about your idea. This is your target audience. Your outreach and messaging strategy should be based on what these individuals find compelling about your project, they’ll be your core support base!

Build a host committee

A host committee is a core group of champions who are very passionate about you and your project. These champions will be a key part of your campaign. They should be willing to not only be a part of a group of early contributors but also to help contact their networks and get them involved in supporting your project.

Different groups with different messages

You should target different groups within your network every week. The workbook will help you segment different categories of individuals in your network with different messages.

Get personal

As you execute your outreach strategy, you very well may have reached out to several hundred or more people. But even though this might be the case, be sure to send them personal messages. The best way to get people to support you is to personalize your message and outreach. It will take a little extra time, but it’ll definitely pay off in the end. Perhaps that’s partially why email outreach converts to contributions 34% better than other channels on average.

Show gratitude

You can’t underestimate the power of gratitude when you reach out to your network. It’s a lot of work for people to contribute their time or energy to your campaign, so make sure that you properly thank people. Your gratitude will go a long way!

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