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Case Study

How Joy Resolve Used Pre-Launch Discussions to Build Community

Joy Resolve's success comes from their investment in their campaign before launch. They used Pre-Launch Discussions to connect with backers, foster community, and gather feedback before going live.

Explore Pre-Launch Discussions
product image
Company Name

Joy Resolve


London, England


Home goods and lifestyle

Founder and CEO

Joshua Renouf

Joy Resolve is an award-winning lifestyle & homeware brand on a mission to enrich life through tangible solutions; without causing unnecessary harm to nature. They make products to last and age gracefully with their community; driven less by cost and more by functionality, craftsmanship, experience, and style.

Campaign Stats


Pre-Launch Discussion Comments


Funds Raised


Backer engagement at the most critical campaign stage

Ask any crowdfunder, and they’ll tell you that the weeks leading up to launch are the most critical phase of the entire campaign. It’s certainly what Joy Resolve will tell you. The award-winning lifestyle and homeware brand is currently running its third campaign on Indiegogo for the Barisieur Grande: 2-Cup Coffee & Tea Alarm Clock, an alarm clock that allows users to wake up to a fresh cup of coffee or tea. The campaign has already been a huge success, with Joy Resolve raising over USD 33K with over 100 backers as of this writing, and numbers increasing every day. 


A large part of their success comes from their investment in their campaign before launch. Joy Resolve launched a Pre-Launch Page on Indiegogo, which enabled them to foster a community and start building excitement before going live. But Joy Resolve took it even further by enabling Pre-Launch Discussions on their Pre-Launch Page, which allowed them to communicate with potential backers. People could use the feature to submit public comments or questions, and Joy Resolve was able to answer inquiries, gather early feedback, and find out about features backers wanted.

“I was surprised by the number of people actually sending us comments.”

When Joy Resolve launched Pre-Launch Discussions, they were floored by how much activity the feature received. “I was surprised by the number of people actually sending us comments,” said Joshua Renouf, CEO and Founder of Joy Resolve. “People were asking the questions that we thought they would ask and we were happy to get to answer them. Pre-Launch discussions helped create a lot of buzz.”


That early buzz is critical to a campaign’s viability. Whether or not you hit your campaign goal in the first 48 hours has a huge bearing on your campaign’s overall success, and in order to kick off your campaign with enough momentum to hit that goal, you need to have grown your community before launch. You should use this time to build an email list, send out updates, and ensure backers know when your campaign goes live.


“The pre-campaign phase is the most important time for a crowdfunding campaign,” says Joshua. “You need to make sure people are aware you’re going to be launching, showcase some good deals in the beginning, and get people excited about your product.”


Pre-Launch discussions helped create a lot of buzz.
Joshua Renouf
CEO and Founder of Joy Resolve
Critical feedback before the campaign even started

Enabling Pre-Launch Discussions helped Joy Resolve tweak a key part of their perk strategy. Their current campaign is actually an upgrade of an older model that the company released in 2016. The company had originally planned to offer a buy-back option for previous backers who wanted to trade in their old Bariseurs for the new model. But, as some commenters pointed out, the pricing didn’t make sense.


“The program was basically, if you’re a customer of ours already, we’ll send you a new product if you send us the old one. Originally it cost the same to do that as to get the super early bird price. And backers wanted it at a cheaper price than the super early bird, because otherwise they reasoned that they’d rather keep the old model and buy the new one at the super early bird price,” says Joshua. “We adopted that feedback and adjusted our pricing for the buy-back program before launch. We thought we were in the right, and it turns out we were in the wrong.”


If you’re a campaigner who wants to bolster your following in those critical weeks leading up to a campaign, the Pre-Launch Discussion feature is a great way to bolster your community early and understand potential backers’ expectations for your product as soon as possible. It’s a key way to meet your backers and foster human connections with them – and those connections are a big part of why people choose to back crowdfunding campaigns in the first place.

Pre-Launch Discussions made our relationship with our backers less transactional, and it allowed us to build relationships with backers early on.
Joshua Renouf
CEO and Founder of Joy Resolve

Joy Resolve Used Pre-Launch Discussions to

Gather Feedback

Commenters provided valuable feedback that allowed Joy Resolve to change their pricing.

Spread the Word About Launch

Joy Resolve used Pre-Launch Discussions to make sure that commenters knew when the campaign would launch.

Connect with Repeat Backers

People who backed Joy Resolve's fist campaign were able to connect with the Joy Resolve team to learn more.

Build Buzz

The discussion thread was a great place for commenters to talk about why they were excited about launch.

Provide Shipping Information

Joy Resolve was able to give commenters information on where products would ship.

Answer Product Questions

Joy Resolve was able to clarify product questions for potential backers.

Ready to use Pre-Launch Discussions?

Backers are at the heart of any crowdfunding campaign, and the pre-launch phase is where the heartbeat begins. With Pre-Launch Discussions, you’ll be able to build your community early. Learn more about Pre-Launch Discussions today!

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