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How to Write Campaign Updates Your Backers Will Love (With Templates)

Did you know campaigners who post regular updates raise 286% more funds?
That’s because backers want to be part of your journey. They’re excited to see how their perks are being made and love staying in the loop. Plus, informed backers are more likely to share your campaign and bring in new supporters.

Why Updates Are Key:

  • They keep backers excited and invested in your success.
  • They help build trust through transparency, creating loyal customers.
  • Indiegogo requires at least one meaningful update each month to stay compliant.

Quick Tips for Updates:

  1. Post Twice a Week During Your Campaign:
    • Share stories, behind-the-scenes looks, or fun anecdotes.
    • Announce stretch goals, contests, or secret perks to boost engagement.
  2. Always Include a Call to Action:
    • Ask backers to share, comment, or give feedback.
  3. Be Available:
    • Add your team’s contact info so backers can easily reach out.
  4. Make It Personal:
    • Let your personality shine—it’s what backers love most!

Stuck on what to say?
Don’t worry—we’ve got templates to make updates easy for every stage of your campaign.


Update templates

Use these templates as guides for sending out updates, but don’t just copy and paste them. They should be personalized with your own voice!

Live campaigns: Let your backers know how you’re doing (option 1)

Dear Backers,

Thanks for all of your amazing support so far. Here’s a quick update on our end.

  • [Share what you’ve been up to behind-the-scenes and what’s coming next]
    • Our team is preparing for our demo-day next week.
    • Here’s a picture of our team test-driving our prototype.
  • [Show backers how they can help]

    • Please submit your fan art to our hashtag [#fanartCampaign]. If we select your work, we’ll post it on our social channels and send you an extra ticket to our premiere.
    • We know you’re smart because you backed our campaign. We’d love to hear what you like and what we can do better! Please let us know in the comments section on our campaign.


[Include a photo of a perk or something relevant to your project]


[Let backers know how to reach you]

If any questions come up along the way, please feel free to reach out to us at our support address [Campaign Team Email Address].

Thank you!
[Campaigner Name]

Live campaigns: Let your backers know how you’re doing (Option 2)

Dear Backers,

[X%] raised in [X] days!

We’re off to a great start! Thank you so much for believing in us. We couldn’t have done this without you!

Here’s what we’re working on:
[Give your backers an exclusive look at what’s going on behind the scenes]

[Include photo]

[Choose one of these ideas about how to keep people engaged:]

  • Share our Secret Perk with a friend
    • Help a friend get in on our exclusive early bird discount by sharing this secret perk. Secret perks are only visible to people with this special URL. [Share secret perk link]
  • Upgrade your perk
    • By popular request, you can now upgrade to our new [Insert Perk Name] where you get [include details about the new perk]. Keep the suggestions coming!
  • Join us on social media
    • You’ll get even more info on what we’re up to by liking our Facebook page.

[Include a celebratory photo]

[Let backers know how to reach you]
We know many of you have questions, so please feel free to reach out to us at our support address [Campaign Team Email Address]. Our team will respond promptly within [include expected response time]. We look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you!
[Campaigner Name]

Live campaigns: Let your backers know that you’ve reached your goal

Dear Backers,

Amazing news! Thanks to all our [number of backers] generous backers, we have reached our [$ campaign goal amount] goal. We are thrilled and humbled by your support. And we’re not done yet.

[Choose one of these ideas about how to keep people engaged:]

  • Share your next stretch goal if you have one
    • If we raise just $[X] more, we will unlock the [X perk].
  • Add a new perk
    • We decided to add a new t-shirt based on popular request!
  • Ask for feedback
    • Please take take our quick survey and vote on our next color option!

[Include a photo of your team celebrating the news]

[Let backers know how to reach you]
As always, please feel free to reach out to us at our support address [Campaign Team Email Address].

Thank you!
[Campaigner Name]

Ending campaigns: Ask your backers to help you across the finish line

Dear Backers,

There are only [X] days left in our campaign! Let’s make it count. We have raised $[X], but we still need $[X] to reach our goal so we can [include what your next fundraising goal will mean for your project].

[Choose one of these ideas about how to keep people engaged.]

  • Offer a flash sale
    • Our 2-pack will be available at a X% discount for the last 3 days of the campaign.
  • Encourage backers to share your campaign
    • Share our recent facebook video with your friends to help support us in the final stretch!
  • Remind people what you will accomplish
    • With these funds, we will have the ability to invest more in product development.

[Include an encouraging photo]

[Let backers know how to reach you]
We know many of you still have questions, so please feel free to reach out to us at our support address [Campaign Team Email Address].

Thank you!
[Campaigner Name]

Ended campaigns: Let your backers know what comes next and what to expect as you work towards fulfillment

Dear Backers,

Thank you for being a part of our incredible journey to bring [campaign name] to life. Before we launched, we didn’t know who else would be as excited about our idea as we were. Now, because of your support and the support of [# of backers] backers, we’ll be able to start [describe what you will do next].

[If opted into inDemand: If you have friends or family who would be interested in supporting this project, it’s not too late. We’re keeping our campaign open in InDemand to give more people an opportunity to join in.]

Our priority is to deliver on our commitments to you and we’ll keep you updated on our progress. As we hunker down to make [campaign name] a reality, you can expect to receive open, honest, & substantive updates from us monthly. Feel free to contact us [Campaign Team Email Address] in the interim if you have any questions in the interim. Thanks again for your support!

All the best,
[Campaigner Name]

InDemand & closed campaigns: Keep your backers informed every step of the way

Dear Amazing Backers,

Here are some updates on how our project is coming along.

[Choose one of these ideas about how to keep people informed.]

  • Share a Project Milestone:
    • All the components for our product have undergone quality testing and we are ready to begin mass production!
  • Describe what your team is currently working on:
    • We’re having some issues transferring our component stock from the previous factory.
  • Profile a Team Member:
    • Meet Sam, our amazing graphic designer. We asked Sam five questions about what inspires him.
  • Link to a Facebook Live Q&A:
    • Check out this Facebook Live Q&A with questions solicited from you, our amazing backers. Here’s a glimpse into the unedited, behind the scenes of manufacturing and delivering a product.

[Include a photo of perks or the project in-action]

[Let backers know how to reach you]
We know many of you still have questions, so please feel free to reach out to us at our support address [Campaign Team Email Address].

Thank you!
[Campaigner Name]

InDemand and closed campaigns: Share a detailed manufacturing update every month

Dear Backers,

Manufacturing Update Alert!

In our last update, we talked about [reference the key points from your previous update as a quick reminder]. We’ve made a ton of progress since then. In this update, we’ll cover:

  • [Update #1]
  • [Update #2]
  • [Update #3]


[Update #1]
Your backers are your first customers – When drafting a manufacturing update, it’s important to remember that most of your backers have never manufactured a complex product overseas. While it may seem like business as usual, your backers will appreciate being kept in the loop as you navigate this complex process.

[Share an image or video]

[Update #2]
Even if you don’t think you have big news to share, you have backers around the world who need to hear from you. If everything is going as planned, tell them that! If there’s been a hiccup, then they need to know that too.

[Share an image or video]

[Update #3]
Be transparent – hardware is hard, and your backers will understand if you open up about unforeseen challenges you face along the journey. The key is to then explain how you plan to overcome that challenge. The more upfront you are about difficult news, the more your backers will trust you when you share good news!


We can’t thank you enough for being part of this journey. Your faith in our product and in our team inspire us every day. Keep an eye out for next month’s update, and feel free to reach out [Campaign Team Email Address] if any questions come up in the interim.

[Campaigner Name]

InDemand and closed campaigns: Proactively alert your backers if there perks will be delayed

Dear Amazing Backers,

We have some good news and some not so good news. In our last update, [reference the key points from your previous update as a quick reminder]. We have a top notch team working round the clock to oversee production, and are more excited than ever to deliver [product name] to our [#] amazing backers around the world.

[Now share some good news! Make sure to be specific. Backers want to receive their perks, but they also want to make sure the perks they do receive are top-notch.]

  • What steps have you taken since your last campaign update to get closer to shipping?
  • Have you completed a major manufacturing milestone?
  • Have you made any improvements to your product based on feedback from your backers or beta testers?

[Share a demo video]

We’ve made so much progress & we need more time.

Building [product name] to be of the highest quality and effectiveness is of utmost importance to us, and we’ve been working diligently to ensure everything we’re doing will deliver the best experience. [Now explain why this delay is in your backers’ best interest. Is it a much-needed design change? Are you upgrading the quality of your components? Are you extending the battery life? etc.] You deserve nothing but the best. To make sure we meet your expectations, delivery on [all perks, x perks] is now delayed until [Month, Year].

[Include an updated shipping timeline.]

Now, for some more good news.

[Phew, the hard part is over. Now, tell your backers how you will continue to provide value for them up between now and your new delivery date.]

  • Do you have any swag you can ship out to your loyal backers in the meantime?
  • Do you have a mobile app your backers can start playing around with?
  • Are you launching a beta-testing program? This would give your backers the chance to play around with a testing unit before the real one ships.

We know this news may be disappointing. Your support means the world to us. We are 100% committed to delivering the best product possible, and to keeping you fully informed on our successes and setbacks along the way. And, if you are no longer able to join us on this journey, we completely understand. Shoot us an email at [Campaign Team Email Address], include your your Order ID, and we’ll provide a full refund for your contribution.

Thank you for understanding!
[Campaigner Name]

InDemand & closed campaigns: Tell your backers which perks are shipping now

Dear Backers,

We could not be more excited to share our first-ever shipping update with you! In our last update, [reference the key points from your previous update as a quick reminder]. Now, [explain what you have completed in order to reach this milestone].

[Share an image of your perks, boxed up and ready to go!]

[This week, Tomorrow, By now, etc], all backers should have received a survey in their inbox. Please respond ASAP! We need to verify your shipping details before we can get [product name] to your door. If you did not receive your survey, reach out to us at [email address] and we’ll send it your way.

  • Already Shipped
    • [Which backers have already received their perks?]
    • If you claimed one of those perks and have not yet received yours, please reach out to us!

[Share an image of one of your excited backers receiving their perk!]

  • Shipping Now
    • [Which perks are ready to ship?]
    • [When will backers receive their tracking numbers?]
  • Shipping Next
    • [When will your remaining backers receive their perks?]

Customer Service
If you have not received your perk, your backer survey, or both, please reach out to our customer support team [Campaign Team Email Address]. [X] backers have not yet filled out their survey. We want to get you your perk as soon as possible, but we need to know where to send it first!


Thank you!
[Campaigner Name]

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