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5 Ways to Use Secret Perks for Crowdfunding Magic

Secrets perks are a way to reward loyal backers and attract new adopters. Secret perks are available for certain users via a unique link that you distribute – only people who have the unique link are able to see the secret perk. Pretty cool, huh?


People who have the unique link can see the secret perk:



While everyone else sees:


You can create a secret perk to thank early supporters, tailor a perk for an organization, or discount an item just for certain influencers. And adding a secret perk is easy – in the “Perks” tab of the campaign editor, simply click “Add Secret Perk.”


And copy the link:


And you’re ready to go.

Everyone wins!


Secret perks work best when you want to offer exclusive items to the people who have supported you the most. They’re a great way to build your community further by making your backers feel special and that their efforts are being recognized and rewarded.

Here are some cool and effective ways to use secret perks for your crowdfunding campaign:


1. Show your early supporters your appreciation



Your early supporters – friends, family and fans – are likely to appreciate a secret special reward for all of the work they’ve done before your launch to help support your campaign. You could offer a secret perk to this exclusive group of people on launch day, incentivizing them to be the first people to contribute to your campaign. Perks for early supporters could include: a walk-on role in your film, a discount on your new drone, a special t-shirt or personalized thank you card. Choose something that your community will be excited to have before anyone else has the chance to claim it.


2. Create exclusive offers for event attendees



Events like conferences, film festivals, meet-ups and launch parties are perfect for secret perks. Offering a secret perk to event attendees is a great way to motivate people to contribute after they’ve heard about your project in-person. Take down their names on a clipboard, or collect their business cards and follow up with a secret perk just for them! This is also a great way to test different types of secret perks with different audiences. For example, you might offer a tee-shirt to folks you encounter at casual meet-ups, whereas you might offer a special drone accessories bundle to folks you meet at trade shows.


3. Boost momentum mid-campaign



Did you know that 42% of funds are raised in the first and last 3 days of a campaign? A Backers-Only special is a great way to boost momentum mid-campaign. You could offer  an exclusive special bundle of perks or a unique experience to those who have already supported your campaign. Or you can offer discounts on add-on perks like an extra battery or backpack.


4. Offer a flash sale



Offering a secret perk for a limited time only can help create a sense of urgency for this special deal you’re offering. Let your fans know that your secret perk is only available for a certain time period, and delete it from your perk options once the deal has expired.


5. Cross-promote with other campaigns using secret perks



Cross-promotion with other live crowdfunding campaigns is a great way to gain exposure and tap into alternative networks. When cross-promoting, you can offer a discount on one of your perks to encourage their backers to join your backer community.


There are tons of unique ways for you to use secret perks to maximize your campaign.  We love how the Indiegogo community has already been using our new feature – what other great ideas can you think of?

Gif Sources: Giphy

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