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How to Create an Effective Crowdfunding Video for Your Startup

By Grant Harvey at Lemonlight


Grant Harvey is a contributing writer for Lemonlight. Lemonlight is an on-demand video production company specializing in performance creative for brands and agencies across the globe. 


A pitch video can make or break a crowdfunding campaign. After all, it’s your pitch video that backers will evaluate your campaign on, so any extra time put into perfecting your campaign video will be time well spent.

But before creating your campaign video, it’s important to understand what potential backers are looking for in a video. What inspires them to take action on one project and pass on another one? What type of video will build trust, dismiss fears and doubts, and call a potential customer to action?


Core Values to Consider for an Effective Crowdfunding Video

The beauty of crowdfunding is that every campaign has a story behind it. Maybe your idea came in a flash of inspiration, or perhaps it evolved slowly over time. Either way, the key to creating a compelling crowdfunding video is communicating that spark to an audience. In our experience, it’s the best way to convince your audience to donate or invest in your project.

To capture the essence of your project, we recommend asking yourself this important question: Why does your product need to exist?

You’ll need to build a narrative story around that central purpose, or the why behind your product so you can properly share it with the world. 

A Powerful Script Frames Your Startup’s Story

The next phase is writing a powerful script. Your video script will be the thing actually holding your narrative together. That’s why your script for your crowdfunding video should include all of the key messaging points you need to get across to sell your idea, while at the same time selling your audience on you as the creator. Crowdfunding backers want to understand the product or person they’re investing in.

Luckily, a two-minute crowdfunding video can quickly provide information about your entire backstory, timeline, technology, and team. Writing a script helps map it all out in a concise way.

It’s also important to keep the format of the video in mind. Will your video be in the “talking-head” style where you interview yourself or in a voice-over style where you talk over striking visuals? Most videos tend to do a mix of both, so it’s good to plan out what points work better in a more personal interview format versus impersonal voice-over format, and write them out in the script accordingly.

Here’s an example of an impactful campaign script for the LEGO FORMA Indiegogo campaign:

6 Elements Every Video Script Should Have

Here’s a breakdown for a simple script structure you can follow for your video:

  1. Opening Visual and Core Question – What’s the problem you’re solving?

Start with a strong opening visual and ask an impassioned question. This question should be related to the core problem your product is trying to solve, or core question your project is wrestling with. By engaging your viewer right away with strong visuals and intriguing questions, you’ll capture their attention and have a much stronger chance of holding onto it throughout the entirety of your video.

  1. Why is this a problem?

Next, address the central why behind your product. Why does this problem affect people? Why does it matter that it is fixed? Why do your current audience and future customers need this problem solved? What happens if it isn’t solved?

  1. How can this problem be solved?

After addressing the central problem, address your solution. Focus on how this solution positively impacts or solves the problem in question. How will solving this problem improve the lives of those affected? Remember not to get caught up in explaining the what of the product until you address the how of the solution.

  1. What is the product you’ve created that solves this problem?

Now, after establishing the problem and how that problem can be solved, you can get into the actual what: What is the product you’re creating? What does it do? What are its features, and what does it take to bring to market? For rewards-based campaigns, what rewards are available for backers to claim? 

  1. Who is the creator behind this product?

Now you can dive into who you are. If your personal story is important to the why behind your campaign, feel free to weave the who throughout the video. Alternatively, if the why behind the problem your product is solving is big enough, you might not need to tell your personal story. But, no matter what, you need to tell the viewers who you are, why you’re the perfect person to create this product or service, how you plan to create it, and what you’ll use the money they donate for. This is key to building trust with your audience.

  1. Ending Call to Action – Why now?

This is where you end your video with a rallying call to action to invest or donate. Leave it all on the line with an impassioned plea or rallying cry. Why do you believe your product will succeed? Why do you need your viewers’ help? How can they help you? Assume you’ve hooked your audience – what do you want them to do now?

Here’s an example of an effective crowdfunding video:


A Few More Crowdfunding Video Tips

Here are some quick tips to keep in mind when writing your script:


Keep it short.

If you’re cutting in interview clips, be mindful of time and have an idea of what you’re going to say before you get in front of the camera. If you’re writing your lines, time them out so the entire video doesn’t exceed about two minutes.


Hook them with your core ‘why’ in the first eight seconds. 

Stay focused on the central problem and how to fix it for the first 30 seconds to keep viewers engaged before you dive into specific product features.


Be trustworthy.

While project ideas can be compelling, you as the creator are what people are actually investing in. If they don’t trust you, or if they don’t believe in you, they won’t believe that you can pull off what you’re trying to do, no matter how interesting the campaign is it is.


Don’t forget the important details.

Don’t forget to keep an eye on the business details. Demonstrate how the business model you’re working off of relates to the need in the market you’re trying to address.


Give your audience direction.

Giving your viewers directions for interaction is one of the most effective ways to generate additional leads. Some options include asking to back the campaign, share it with a friend, or ask a follow-up question in the comment section.


By writing a script that covers those six key points, and keeps in mind the above tips, you’ll be well on your way to producing a video that creates a strong connection between your business and potential backers or investors.


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